I have found a lot of the blogs I enjoy reading just by "worm holing" (as Jay calls it). Keep on clicking and who knows where you'll end up! The ones I return to again and again are all written by women (not intentional, I just tend to prefer women authors), and none of them seem to be trying too hard to make their life or topic seem a particular way. Some of my favorites are linked on the right side of this page, but my very favorites are listed below. Go visit them!
1. Kelly's Korner Blog This was the first blog I started reading regularly. I don't even remember how I came across it. Kelly is so real, and I feel like she's honest and open about where she is in her life right now. She is the mom to two precious girls, and she never misses a chance to glorify God. She's wildly popular, and I can totally understand why.
2. Baby Isaacson My dear friend Elise just had a baby, and this has been so fun to keep up with her pregnancy. Now, I'm excited to follow it and "get to know" Audrey.
3. Blue-Eyed Bride This is a blog I only recently found. Erin is the mom to two boys, and I love her straight forward, no nonsense approach to life. She is so real, and I would like to think we would be friends in real life if we met.
4. The Schmidt Family Stories This is my cousin Britany's blog. I use it to keep up with her two daughters, and I always end up laughing out loud at the stories she tells. She is funny and her blogs are too!
5. Jamie the Very Worst Missionary I am always super excited when Jamie has a new post. She and her family are missionaries in Costa Rica, and she is hil.ar.i.ous. She is not in any way, shape, or form what you would expect when you hear the word missionary, and I think it's great. She is so real. So real about who she is, who she was, and who God is forming her to be. I love reading her posts and always leave the site laughing and thinking about what she's written about.
Those are my five favorites. Go visit them. What about you? Do you have favorite blogs you read?

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