I have only ever taught at Rendezvous Elementary School in Room 2. In the fall of 2005 I accepted a teaching position and walked into an unusual situation. The teacher who had been scheduled to teach in my room that year died unexpectedly the week before school started (when the teachers were back for inservices). Needless to say, it was a very traumatic event for everyone at school.
It was a tough year for me too. Not only was it my first year teaching, but I started the fourth week of school. My class had had a series of substitutes up until that point. As you can imagine, the first few weeks of school are critically important for building rapport and a sense of stability in any classroom. It was also hard, though, because my colleagues were all missing their friend and co-worker. They were grieving, and I had to not take it personally when people weren't super friendly or excited I was there.
We survived though. Bless those kids' hearts! I hope I didn't do permanent damage...The next year went much more smoothly, and I truly felt like I belonged. I have met some of my most favorite people at work. I am lucky to have been sandwiched between two phenomenal, dynamic teachers (and women!). It has been a fabulous place to work. I have learned so much about teaching, about working as a team, and about friendship.
Tomorrow I go to Rendezvous as a teacher for possibly the last time. (I'm taking a leave of absence and have the opportunity to return after a year off, but at this point, we just don't know where we are going to be...). I have such mixed emotions. I am excited to be headed to The Netherlands and with Jay. We have been apart FAR too long! But I am also working to keep it together. I have loved my time teaching at Rendezvous. I am going to miss the people there something terrible and am already anticipating my sadness and jealousy of not being a part of it all next year!
Change is hard and exciting. Happy and sad. I am so thankful for the people I have met (colleagues and students), the experiences I have had, and the memories I have made. Tomorrow will be challenging, but I will get through it. I know what lies ahead is exciting, and I really am ready. Maybe not ready to say goodbye, but that's where this quote from Peter Pan comes in.
Tot ziens!
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